Mer Marcum Releases “Junkyard Dog” Track

Some legacies are born from love, others from sheer survival. Take “Junkyard Dog,” the latest track from Texas-raised, Brooklyn-based Mer Marcum. Here, family history isn’t just passed down—it’s a force that shapes, distorts, and even haunts.

“I’m meaner than a junkyard dog,” my grandfather used to say to my father, and my father to me, Marcum explains. This song, originally a poem in a zine benefiting Safe Horizon, an NYC victim assistance group, explores this vivid image of a dog—a reflection of its owner, shaped by its mistreatment. That’s how I came to see my father and, eventually, myself. The hook ‘somebody made you this way’ draws from this realization.

Marcum blends her folk roots with Brooklyn’s energetic vibe, crafting a track that’s both brooding and freeing. The bass and electric guitar lines weave through a layered haze, mirroring the tension between past and present, inheritance and defiance.

Catch Marcum’s new music video and stream “Junkyard Dog” on all major platforms.

Mike Londan
Mike Londan
Mike Londan is a senior music writer at Mike is passionate about music and has been covering the music industry for over three years.