Sia – Helium Meaning

In this article, we’ll explore the meaning of Helium by Sia. As of this writing, Helium is ranked 178.

Meaning of Helium by Sia

Helium” by Sia is about finding strength and support in love during challenging times.

The song creates a hopeful and uplifting atmosphere, focusing on the power of love to elevate and heal. Its mood is a mix of vulnerability and empowerment, making listeners feel both understood and inspired.

In the verses, Sia expresses her struggles, admitting that despite trying to be strong, she sometimes needs help. The chorus reveals that love acts as her buoy, lifting her up like helium when she’s down. We hear this most prominently in lines like “Your love lifts me up like helium,” showing how love can be a powerful force that rescues us from despair and gives us strength.

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The song’s intent is to highlight the transformative power of love and support. The ‘A-ha’ moment comes when we realize that even those who seem invincible need someone to lift them up, emphasizing the importance of connection and reliance on others