KENTENSHI – paranoia Meaning

In this article, we’ll explore the meaning of paranoia by KENTENSHI. As of this writing, paranoia is ranked 130.

Meaning of paranoia by KENTENSHI

KENTENSHI’s “paranoia” is a haunting echo of longing, where a distant voice becomes a symbol of unspoken fears and desires.

The track envelops listeners in a misty soundscape, where the repetition of words not only sets a somber mood but also mirrors the obsessive nature of paranoia itself. It’s as if the song itself is lost in a fog, searching for clarity.

As we wade through the chorus and verses, the phrase “your voice” becomes a mantra, repeated to the point of desperation. The voice is “distant,” a refrain that taunts us with its inaccessibility, evoking a sense of isolation that’s almost palpable. We’re drawn into the narrative, feeling the ache of the singer as they plead, “don’t hurt me,” revealing a vulnerability that’s as raw as an open wound.

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The song’s true intent crystallizes in the space between the notes, where the silence speaks volumes. It’s the moment we realize that the voice we yearn for might just be our own, echoing back to us through the void of our deepest anxieties